Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sawadee Kap from Bangkok!! Day 1

Sawadee Kap from Bangkok!! Day 1

We have plan the trip since 6 month ago.. Butt, Avis and Yan Tzi got the ticket on June and me on July.. i am the last member for the trip..

15th Feb Sunday (1st day)

12am - 2.30
i am still online and playing games at office.. kakaka..

Go back lor..

2.45am -4am
shower shower and packing packing..

ready to go out.. bye bye MIMI!! i miss you..

reach Yan Tzi house.. she is ready liao.. she told me she not sleep also.. (hmmn.. dunno yesterday night (valentine) going out with who and no sleep.. =.=" scandal scandal.. must check check.. :(

reach Avis house.. Butt is waiting at her house liao.. (so early?? is just reach or didn't leave her house at all since yeasterday?? scandal scandal also.. hahaha..) transfer all the bag to his car. I will park my car at Avis house.

Chut fat lor.. Bangkok here i come.. (should be LCCT to take a place plane sin laa..)

reach airport and check in lor.. apa then..

leaving.. on a jet plane..

9am (Bangkok time)
after 2 hour plane.. (M'sia time is 10am) we finally reach Bangkok loo..

(my dear reader.. from now on the story will tell in summary.. no more minute by minute.. =you really expect me to remember all the time meh.. hahaha=

Reach Bangkok, check out, go tru custom.. wahlaa.. here we go..

first destination is Kaosan Road.. we go there by airport bus (i think is call airport express or something). This is my second visit to Kaosan Road.. for the reader who never been to Thailand.. Kaosan Road is almost identical to our own Jonker Street at Malacca.. (what?? dunno Jonker street also?? are you living in cave..?)

check in at Rikka Inn.. we "rent" two room there lor.. the boy get room 611 and girl take 612 lor.. (wish i can share with da gal >.< ) after we rest rest a while and mesyuarat a bit about where are we going first.. the gal decided we go to chatuchak, a very famous weekend market in Bangkok.. it was located at.. emm.. Chatuchak lor..

SIDE STORY!! (BEWARE!! Have some foul language..)Before we go to our first destination at Chatuchak, something very annoying happen to me and Yan Tzi. The story is like this.. while we waiting for Butt and Avis to come out.. we decided to check out the pharmacy outside our hotel.. and after we belek here and touch there.. we decided nothing to buy for now.. (actually Yan Tzi is planning to buy later that night), but you know ah.. the bitch that jaga the shop scold us.. she say if we want to look look only.. don't come to her shop.. go to supermarket laa.. f*ck.. i never see a bitch so bitchy.. luckily me and Yan Tzi is educated people.. so we won't kira with her.. we just leave the shop silently.. but i will curse you spend the valentine the rest of your life alone.. even you want to f*ck.. no people will f*ck you.. you f*ck-ing bitch!!

=i have take the F*ck-ing pharmacy photo.. will attach it here later=

okie okie.. end of story.. let get back to the main point.. we call a taxi to sent us to Chatuchak.. the driver have make us an offer we can't reject.. he told us he will give us a cheaper price if we willing to drop by at a "Gem Market" first (which i believe he is contract to..) on our way to Chatuchak.. We only need to spend around 15 minutes there..and he even say will give us a free ride if we buying something. So.. why not.. no rugi ma right!!

so we ma go to the so-call "Gem Market" sin lor.. i know you (my dear reader..) will think someone stingy like us will only spend around 15 minutes there and then go without buying anything right.. hah!! WRONG!!! we (actually is Avis, Butt, Yan Tzi only..) have actually buying something.. actually i am not very very sure what they (Avis, Butt, Yan Tzi) is buying also laa.. but i guess got necklace, pendant and something gua.. Avis is buying for herself, and Butt and Yan Tzi is buying for Avis because it's Avis's birthday (16th Feb is Avis birthday) so sweet.. friendship forever..

PS: Avis.. paiseh hor.. i didn't buy anything.. but i guess you won't mind laa.. since i'm not that important compare to "that" person. kakaka..

So.. we end up get a free ride to Chatuchak!! oh yea.. Avis, Butt, Yan Tzi.. you guys rocks!! willing to sacrifice yourself to buy GEMS so i can get a free ride.. i love you guys..

muak muak!! (this is for Avis and Yan Tzi only k!! :P)

Reach Chatuchak!! It is really indeed a very very big flea market.. food, cloths, bags, watch, jewellery, and even bras.. what you want, what you get!! heaven for Avis and Yan Tzi.. and me and Butt start our part-time job, their bodyguard "gim" kuli.. hahaha.. no laa.. actually is Butt only.. he is really helpful to them.. female favorites!! i have done nothing.. kakaka.. have you watch the movie "CONFESSION OF SHOPPAHOLIC".. i can tell you ar.. this is not a movie.. this is real thing.. hahaha.. they really can go store by store by store.. touch here.. touch there.. bargain here bargain there lor.. wow.. really open my eye man.. you should seen it to believe.. :P

After follow them for a while.. i really give up liao.. it's more susah than hiking 4 hour at Bukit Tabur.. so i ma go outside alone to check out my own thing lor.. (don't worry wor.. got Butt protect them ma..) i got to buy a new cap for myself and a bag for sister.. oh.. have i mention about my new necklace and pendant? hehee.. Then i go to look out for them again.. after few hours.. finally they willing stop down (thank's god!!) and check check what they have buy.. hahaha.. i guess they have buy a few container (exaggerate..) of cloth and bags.. hahaha.. honestly.. i suspect them buy the cloth back to KL to sell.. :P

and finally.. their leg are sore (after completing 2000M walkathon race in da market) so they (Avis, Butt, Yan Tzi) decided to check out the outdoor leg massage service there. Again.. no me in it.. i hate massage.. i wonder why i been there at all.. paiseh.. they decided to take up the 1 hour massage.. so again.. i have to wonder around the surrounding area for 1 hour to wait for them.. while i check out if i can get any secret passage to another "market" (flesh).. who know right.. hahaha.. this is Thailand by the way.. anything is possible.. ngek ngek ngek..

They finish their massage about 1 hours. Yan Tzi is particular enjoy that she give the lovely masseur some tips..

hahaha.. and then the horror again.. their leg re-fresh and so they (Avis and Yan Tzi) decided to shoppa again.. =.=" so we all ma take the MRT to Thaniya (forgot the station name).. because from the blog we read.. it say Soi Thaniya is mini Shinjuku in Thailand.. i have an impression that it is a very modernize street with all kind of Japanese stuff.. and yes.. it's true.. it's really full of Japanese "stuff".. with all kind of go-go gal, call gal, manga gal, and so and so.. most of them look quite "japanism".. if you know what i mean.. haik.. dissapointed.. so as them.. feel like kena cheat liao.. (only after that.. i remember i have read that Soi Thaniya is also have another glamour name: PATPONG OF JAPAN!! heaven for guys but not me and Butt..)

I have some photo of the street taken by Avis.. i know you guys will interested right.. kakaka.. wanna buy??

another funny thing at that area is we saw a "little" street full of pub there.. at first we thought it was a Pub street something like the one at Phuket there.. so we ma excited lor but when you look carefully.. there are full of advertizement about.. how to say.. can i say brokeback mountain.. hahaha.. but the brave Avis decided to check it out also.. wahlau.. she really dunno how to write the word "die" kakaka.. so i mai fai fai follow her inside lor.. Yan Tzi and Butt also follow closely at the back.. ready to drag us out if any unthinkable thing happen.. as we only half way in the street.. we saw a guy somewhere in front of us shouting at us.. i'm not sure he shout at the gal or me.. but it really frighten us.. we decided to leave the place hastily.. nightmare.. hahaha..

FYI Avis manage to capture some photo there also.. +.+"

Since nothing to buy there.. we all have our dinner nearby lor.. then take a cab back to Kaosan road.. after walk here and there a bit.. the gal decided to call it a day and go to sleep.. especially Yan Tzi because she already awake for 36 hours. xin gu ni ler.. kuai kuai chi shui ba.. sweetdream.. Zzzzz...

I am not that tired yet.. so me and Butt go down to lepak at Kaosan road there.. then hor.. are you ready.. i have done some unthinkable.. guess guess.. what is it.. hahaha.. i know you dirty cheapster will think i find gal gal ler.. no laa.. crazy meh.. i do a tatto laa.. (fake tatto of course).. a somesort of scorpion tatto.. my first tatto.. hahaha.. the tatto is B250 (RM25). I have always wanted a tatto long long time ago.. but always don't have the chance. I might even get a real one in future.. who know right.. hehee.. you know me..

but the worse is after the tatto done.. then only i realize i must wait 1 1/2 hour to dry.. die lor.. i am so damn sleepy liao.. (remember, i'm not sleeping yesterday).. and i haven shower also.. so in the end i only get to bed at 2.20am..
haik.. night night laa..

tomorrow need to wake at 5.30am for Ayutthaya trip.

End of Day 1.. KapPunKap!!

(Day 2 will release in near future soon.. wait for the release date.. stay on..)

ATTENTION to -Yan Tzi, Avis, Butt: i know some of the story is a bit exaggerate but it just for the sake of story telling.. hehee.. so treat it as a jokes and fun reading k!! hahaha..

Be My Valentine.. ^.*

Be my Valentine

Rachel call and told me she and Kevin will go to Gary house tonight.. ask me to join them.. (what?? join them?? they actually expect me have no date on valentine day!! please laa.. i prove you WRONG!!)

sent out zillion of message to all the gal i know.. and see who want to date me.. (actually they are the one should ask me out.. but nvm.. i'm a guy.. i should make the move first.. just for this time only k!! no more next time.. kakaka.. i'm pretty sure i will very busy tonight.. hehee..)

no reply.. (gal gal working ma.. kenot sent message lor.. nvm.. i forgive you)
5pm: still no reply..?? (fong gong time jor wor?? still don't want reply my message?? i guess their boss want them OT lor.. damm you boss!!)

hmm...?? (i guess their phone no credit liao.. nvm.. i let them reload first laa.. i'm not angry.. because i am very understanding ma..)

still no message..?? start worrying.. (maybe my phone something wrong jor.. i'm very confident.. if not.. why until now no message ler!!)

go to hp shop check check..

(15 minutes later..)

Ah Hui (hp dealer) told me my hp nothing wrong wor.. (cheh!! i don't believe you.. next time won't come your shop again.. cheater!!)

nervous jor.. walk here stand there.. eye eye look at the phone to ring..

Comfirm.. really no date.. Rachel.. lei hou yeh.. you win laa.. >.<>.< ) ATT: Gary, Rachel, Kevin -hahaha.. sorry guys.. just treat this as a jokes k!! wahahaa... :P The Truth!! since it was the night before the bangkok trip.. i decided to stay at home (actually no people want date me also laa.. T.T ) and have a good rest.. got to wake up early morning to fetch Yan Tzi to Avis house ma.

Monday, January 12, 2009

You Making My Day!!

The longest day in my life..

12pm - 3pm
ROUND I (Happy Birthday KEVIN)

Today we do it again.. which was almost became a routine for us. What is it? That is celebrating a friend's birthday. And the lucky guy is our "beloved" Kevin!! hohohoo...

We and a bunch of gang celebrating the day with a luncheon buffet at Xenri Japanese Restaurant (Wisma Elken) at Old Klang Road there..

The participant in crime at da luncheon is "your truly" ahPao , Alvin, Kevin & Rachel & little Audrey, Gary & Tracy & Oscar "zai", Yandsen & Ping Ping and last but not less Bantwan with his pretty female friend.

PS: Butt, should i put down her name here?? i think her name is something about Alicia?? am i right?? hahahaa...

The luncheon is from 1pm - 3pm. Although it doesn't have much choise in term of food but it is still good enough for me. I am especially fond with their Oyster and grill fish. The price are around RM40 - RM50 per person which is reasonable base on the quality of food. Definetely will back for another try someday.. :P

As the clock tick around 2.30pm.. we bring out the cake. Kevin saw it.. i know.. i know.. you will ask: "did he surprise?" or "did he cry?" Let me tell you laa.. the answer is NO!! coz he fully expected.. somemore dare to complain we spell his name wrong on the cake and show us a "I-Know-You-Guy-Will-Celebrated-For-Me" face.. hahaha.. cheapster!!

Overall, this is a fun party..

Below are the link on the occassion from my fellow famous blogger!!

3pm - 4.30pm
After da luncheon at 3pm.. most of us go our own way. I have to rush to Park Royal Hotel to fetch a friend whom have just attend an Airasia screening for a cabin crew.

I didn't expect the traffic are so heavy therefore i can only reach there about 4.30pm in which she already wait me for more than an hour. I'm so paiseh for making a woman wait so long.. luckily she's a patient gal and didn't throw a tantrum on me. luv ya.. >.<"

5pm - 8pm
After faetching her home.. i go to a convenient store to buy a cigarette and newspaper. As i enter the car.. KABOOM!! it start to rain really hard man.. sien liao lor.. coz i can't go anyway.. not even back to my own house.. i have to stay on the car for almost an hour.. and thinking what should i do for the night. I feel so bored at that time and need to go somewhere to chill out.. and with the stupid rain still heavy out there.. i can't even have a sip on the cigarette to clear my head.

As i starting to give up.. i heard a magic sound!! It was a BEEP from my hand phone.!! I GOT A MESSAGE!! It was from Yan Tzi. She ask me to join them for a steamboat at 8pm at our "old place". Hooray!! Just as i'm replying her message comfirming my participant.. another magic moment happen!! The rain stop!! wahlau.. feel a little bit like a scene from movie.. :P

8pm - 11pm
ROUND II (Steamboat..)

I quickly rush back to take a quick shower and then head out to Cheras for the second round. As usual.. i am the earliest to reach there. I order a congee and tom yam set for three with additional of Q Q Tofu, Pei Tan, Kam Zam Gu and YAM!! Yan Tzi reach here with Molly Yan and Chloe by the time everything is ready. So clever hor.. hahahaa.. We have a good food, good chat and good laugh especially with a story about Chloe and her dog.. or dogs.. We leave about 11pm.

and then.. i'm alone again!! i'm start to worry i have some LONELYPHOBIA!!

Am thinking about asking Gary and Bantwan out for a drink and watch football but.. after a long consideration (2 minutes laa.. ) i guess i'm better not. Reason?

1st : It's late already..
2nd : They have their own family to take care
3rd : Not sure Butt is still at Subang or Cheras.. hahahaa..

12am - 2am
ROUND III (Manchester United vs Chelsea)

I'm end up head back to my own territory at Desa and watch football alone there.. The game was Manchester United vs Chelsea. It was a very good game. The game was won by ManU with a respectable 3-0!! Thanks for a goal from Vidic, Rooney & Berbatov.

2am - 2.15am
On the way back to my humble hut. Got a message from Yoong Pang informing me about the result. Never expect him to watch the game too consider he have to work tomorrow. Really United power haa.. hahaha.. i still remember i am the one who influence him to watch football.. :P

2.30am - 4.30am
I know.. you will ask.. what the hell you suppose to do at this hour?? well.. i playing a bit with my MIMI.. then, take my second shower and start writing "THIS" rubbish.. hehehe...

am really sleepy now..

thanks to all the gang who make my day..


Hopefully i didn't need another 2 month for my next blog.. c ya.. ^o^

Saturday, November 1, 2008


I DO IT AGAIN.. why?? why now.. why can't i wait for few more month?? don't i enjoying my life for the last few month.. why i have to spoil it?? i have repeatly told myself not to fall into the same problem again.. i have been avoiding it for so long.. why can't i wait!! now is not the best time for this... here i am.. stupid me!!

what do you do when you are upset?? some people might drunk themself with booze.. some eat ferociously.. or gyming maybe.. or crying their heart out..

as for me.. i smoke!! I smoke untill my lung can't take it anymore.. i know it.. i have a weak lung and bad throat.. my throat have been hurt before.. don't i remember my throat have been badly hurt as recent as two years ago.. i have lost my voice for few days.. and for once.. i almost lost my life because of breathing problem..

soo.. why do i do it again..?? because this is me.. when i upset.. only smoking can release my tension.. without it.. i will be crazy.. i know i am not a happy man.. the fact is.. i am very very moody person.. i can turn from cheerful to sad in just a split second... and because of this.. i need to choose something to control myself.. that is smoke!!

sometimes.. i just think.. isn't it a good idea if i could just sleep and never wake up again.. i have no reason to life.. my life have no meaning at all.. i felt so lonely..

my friend told me blogging can help to calm yourself.. i hope this is true..

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

To a fren who asked me how to win a gal's heart, here's a good answer 4 u......

Most guys let their feelings blind them as soon as they meet a hot chick. They start fantasizing about spending the night or even building a future with the "girl of their dream", when the girl is clearing showing absolutely NO interest in them. In some cases, the girl doesn't even NOTICE the guy. Here's the bottom line:
When it comes to dating, women are the choosers. Men pick, but women choose.
If she likes your style or looks, she will let you approach her.
If she likes your approach, she will let you talk.
If she likes the conversation, she will give you the phone number.
If she likes the first date, she will give you a second date.
If she likes you holding her hand, she will let you kiss her.
If she likes your French kiss, she will let you??


Most guys make the mistake of projecting their own attraction onto the girl. They think: "I think she is the most wonderful person in the world, so she must feel the same way about me!"

Uh-huh. Wrong!!
She doesn't care about how much you love her, she only cares about how much SHE likes you!
Think about it. If a fat chick with a black beard tells you she loves you, are you going to marry her on the spot? No way! The same thing is true for women. If a girl does not like you, then you're just like the fat chick with a beard. No matter how hard you try, she's not going to marry you because she is not attracted to you at all.

On the other hand, if you have a girl who loves you with all her heart, then she will try her best to make you feel happy. There are NO limits to what a girl would do for a man she loves. She could be working a 60-hour job, but she's still going to find time to go out with you if she likes you enough.

Every once in awhile, you hear about a "bad boy" abusing his wife or girlfriend. The guy hits and abuses the poor girl every day, but when the guy gets arrested the girl still stands up for him in court and even waits for him to get out of jail.


Because the girl is super-attracted to him! See what I mean when I say it's not how much you like the girl, but how much the girl likes you!!


GO ahead. Send her flowers. Buy her gifts. Ask her out. She may be flattered. But let me tell you now.. you AREN'T going to win her heart.
You're just going to be "used" as a "friend" she takes out when she feel bored and need company. You will NEVER get to spend your life with the girl of your dream.
But there IS a way around this. Instead of "chasing" women like most guys do, try to ATTRACT THEM instead. GET IT!!